Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We're Going Private

We have decided to make our blog private. I have really enjoyed having it public because there are so many people who we know that are checking the blog that I don't even know about. But, the down side is that there are also people who we don't know that are viewing our blog. The Analytics show that there are anywhere from 20-40 people viewing our blog each day. These views come from 13 different countries, and 35 different states in the US, some of them spending more than 15 minutes on our site. I am thrilled that friends and family are keeping updated with our family but am a little hesitant about the others. After reading an article about internet predators we decided we need some protection. So, we will be making our blog private, which means you have to be invited by us and sign in each time in order to view our blog. I am sad to have to do this because I think we will lose a lot of you, but it's only wise in this world we live in.

So please, please, please . . . if you still want to be able to view this blog, which I hope you do, please send me an email or leave a comment on this post giving me your name and email address.

Even if you are someone we haven't seen or talked to in years, if we know you I would love to have you here with us. Don't be shy. I have so enjoyed keeping this blog and hope you have enjoyed reading it and hope we can keep our friends and family a little closer through this.